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Best Food & Tips To Fight Acne


What is acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that results in pimples, often on the face, chest, forehead, upper back, and shoulders. Although it mainly affects teenagers and young adults experiencing hormonal changes, many people continue to struggle with it well into their 20s, 30s and beyond. There are even times when people develop acne for the first time as adults. Several factors are responsible for it:

·         Fluctuating hormone levels

·         High humidity and/or air pollution

·         Stress

·         Genetics

·         Certain medications

·         Using oily and greasy personal care products

What are the different types of acne?

·      Whiteheads- Bumps closed or clogged by oil and dead skin.

·      Blackheads- Open bumps filled with excess oil and dead skin.

·      Pustules- Pus-filled pimples that look like whiteheads surrounded by red rings.

·      Papules- Small red or pink inflamed bumps.

·      Nodules- Large and painful solid pimples that are deep in your skin.

·      Fungal acne (pityrosporum folliculitis)- Occurs due to an excessive yeast development in hair follicles.

·      Cysts- Pus-filled pimples that can cause scars.

Before moving forward, you must understand that food is not directly responsible for acne. Only if already you have acne-prone and excessively oily skin, or lack a proper cleansing routine, the following foods can cause a reaction:

·      Sugar

Among the list of foods that cause acne lies sugar, which we consume as refined white sugar in forms like sodas, tetra pack juices, honey, etc. and is knowingly and prominently high in refined carbs content. They easily get absorbed fast into the bloodstream, raising your sugar levels and the increase in insulin levels also forces excess sugar into your cells, which in turn causes acne.

·      Greasy Food

Fried foods or items like bacon and burgers contain a lot of greases and also have extra fat in the meat. This excess oil and fat can often lead to an outbreak of pimples so if you notice an outbreak after consumption then refrain from eating greasy foods, at least till it subsides.

·      Fast Foods

Teenagers who consume high amounts of fast food like burgers and fries (and already experiencing hormonal changes) are more likely to experience acne. However, the link between fast food and the specific ingredient that causes acne is still unknown. Completely avoid fast foods if you are looking to follow a diet for acne-free skin.

·      Dairy Products

A study conducted on teenagers showed that consumption of low fat and skimmed milk led to a rise in acne but the relation between milk and acne is not clear yet. It is best to include dairy among foods to avoid for acne if you notice acne after milk consumption.

·      Chocolate

In a study conducted on men, it was discovered that those who consumed 100% unsweetened cocoa experienced a significant increase in acne. The study concludes that eating chocolate, which usually contains milk, a dairy product by nature, along with sugar, makes the immune system highly reactive to acne-causing bacteria.

·      Refined Grains

Refined white flour or greens are commonly found in bread, cereals, pasta, and rice noodles. These have high levels of glycaemic index (GI) and raise blood sugar levels. Insulin makes the androgen hormones more active, resulting in faster cell growth and sebum production which ultimately leads to acne.

·      Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is a powerhouse of proteins and amino acids like leucine and glutamine, this powder is most commonly consumed by male athletes and bodybuilders. While this does help them build muscles or achieve their desired goals, its consumption also makes the skin cells grow and multiply faster than usual, besides rising insulin levels, which can also be a trigger of acne.


What Foods Help To Keep Acne At Bay?

Just as there are foods to be avoided to prevent acne, there are some you can (or must) include in your diet for clear skin. Foods with a lower glycemic index (GI) like complex carbohydrates and certain items in the food chain can very much reduce the appearance of acne. Some of these include:

·      Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread; fruits and vegetables in solid and not juiced form, carrots, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and apricots; and legumes such as beans, dals and peas.

·      Zinc

People with low zinc levels in their bodies can be more susceptible to acne so consuming zinc-rich foods like beans, chickpeas, seeds like pumpkin and sunflower seeds, shellfish and meat can be beneficial for the skin.

·      Probiotics

Probiotics are the holy grail for more than half of your skin’s problems since they promote good gut health and a healthy gut helps reduce inflammation, consequentially reducing the appearance of acne. Probiotic supplements are also beneficial but if you are looking for more home remedies then you can try out some probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, etc.

·      Vitamins A, D and E

A study discovered that those with Vitamin A and E deficiency exhibited increased acne. Foods like tuna, liver, butter, eggs, cream and feta cheese, mackerel etc. are rich in Vitamin A, while nuts like peanuts and almonds, and vegetables like broccoli are rich in Vitamin E. you can also take vitamin supplements for these but know that supplements for Vitamin A and D should not be taken without a doctor’s suggestion.

·      Turmeric

High on the list of foods that prevent acne lies turmeric which contains curcumin, a potent antioxidant that is known for its anti-inflammatory qualities. It can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the occurrence of acne-causing bacteria. The good thing is that it can be had as an oral supplement on the doctor’s advice or even applied topically for significant benefits.


In the end, while there is still not 100% evidence on whether some foods have a definite connection to acne, there are definitely some foods that act as triggers and can result in outbreaks as it happens to nearly 10% of the world’s population. So, if you know that consuming a certain dish or food item can make things go south for you, it is best to avoid eating it altogether and follow a healthy and safe acne diet plan that suits your skin.


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